

The Provincial Archives of Daughters of Charity houses the consolidated collections of four former provinces of the Daughters of Charity in the United States: the Southeast, based in Emmitsburg; the Northeast, based in Albany; the East Central, based in Evansville; and the West Central, based in St. Louis.

The nucleus of the archive lies in the records of the many institutions where the Sisters served the poor in the areas of education, health care, social work, and parish ministry. Collections offer ample research opportunities in the history of the American Catholic Church and the Daughters of Charity; history of Catholic education, pedagogy and social work; and the development of nursing, health care and hospital administration in the United States. Also of interest are records that document the Sisters' service nursing the military in the Civil War, Spanish-American War, and World War I. A rich resource for genealogy, the Archives also contain biographical data on all Sisters who have entered the community from 1809 to the present.

The physical archival exhibits on our campus in Emmitsburg, MD are open Monday-Friday 8AM-4PM. The reading room is open to researchers by appointment. We can be reached at archives@doc.org. Begin your research with our Online Catalog.