Browse Exhibits (5 total)

Artwork of the Province


The Daughters of Charity are famous for their work in education, healthcare, and in the orphanages.  This exhibit, however, seeks to display some of the artistic talents of the Daughters within the Province of St. Louise.  Each of these works, from the collections of the Archives of the Province, was created by a Daughter, and covers a variety of religious, Vincentian, and secular subjects.

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The Daughters' History in Health Care


The Daughters are known for their work in health care.  This exhibit follows the start of their health ministry, expansion across the country, unique health care works, and evolution into the modern age.


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50 Years and Onward: The Establishment of the Five American Provinces

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In 1969, the General Council of the Daughters of Charity in Paris, noting the increase in sisters and ministries, made the decision to divide the two American provinces into five.  This decision guided the future of the Daughters in the United States for the next 50 years.  This exhibit commemorates the establishment of the five provinces and highlights the ceremony overseen by Mother Superioress Chiron, the beginning of the five provinces, and its effects on the sisters in those provinces.


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Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the Province of St. Louise


In 2011, four provinces of the Daughters of Charity in the United States and Canada remerged to begin the next chapter of their history.  Now, ten years into that history, we look back on the creation of the new province and look at the direction and future for the next.


Artwork of the Province II

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The Daughters of Charity are known for their work in education, healthcare, and in the orphanages.  This exhibit, however, seeks to display some of the artistic talents of the Daughters within the Province of St. Louise.  Each of these works, from the collections of the Archives of the Province, was created by a Daughter and covers a variety of religious, Vincentian, and secular subjects.

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