Schools of Nursing
In the Industrial era, hospitals became the common place of emergency care, and the Daughters saw the need for trained sisters and laypersons alike in practical nursing. For over a century, the Daughters' schools of nursing, which were connected to their hospitals, provided practical training for women in this field.
Correspondence between sisters at Buffalo Hospital, 1890, discussing the early philosophy of the nursing school. The Buffalo Sisters of Charity Hospital School of Nursing became the first of the Daughters' nursing school to open in 1889 and the last to close in 1999.
<<proposing opening a training school>>
Buff Hosp- 1890
On the evening of Nov 14 Drs. Sylvester V. Heouth, both of whom are connected with the Buff. Hosp. called to see Sr. M. at the Providence Retreat; to pay her their respects and confer with her in a friendly way about the wants of the Srs Hospital as view continues & to propose a remedy.
They were not finding focus with the Sisters; not at all but Sr. Florence was in a measure handicapped, & to a degree of which she was not herself probably aware.
In the first place, there was a want o proper nursing. They were not finding fault with the Srs., but the systems of nursing of twenty years ago, was not up
to the wants of the present time. In former years they had "the class of patients know as "the Coughers" at the Hosp. & the Srs nursing was all that was desired, for these patients needed but care, good food comfort kind-heartedness. But surgical cases of today required trained nurses, those <who possess traditional knowledge, who> knew how to act in emergency, <&> who knew not only what to do, but why it was done. The <<nurses technical knowledge was necessary>> nurses at this hosp.-- which <<what>> one of them know how to take the temperature by a thermometer <a> <<which was>> most necessary <thing>? Sr Thomas dispenced <[illeg]> for newspaper such news as she could [illeg] - who knew writing about nursing- The [illeg] of a trained nurse were, of course high, <but a man> her [illeg] said he know [torn] to her was asked for bread Srs. for these commenced in age are worked within ways. send a good number to be trained and they, the Srs. would be glad to train them to efficiency- knew not why those jus this Hosp. but young Srs to be trained who when they want [illeg], to St. Louis on other places the fact of their having been trained at the Training Sch of the Buff Hsp sd inspire confidence- We want to build up the Srs. Hosp so that a surgeon or play many considers if out hour to be attracted to the Srs Hosp.
Lecture at St. Mary's Hospital School of Nursing, Saginaw, MI (circa 1908)
Diploma from Sisters School of Nursing, Buffalo, NY
Final Edition of The Northeaster, March/April 1999
Newsletter of the Sisters of Charity Hospital, Buffalo, NY
Graduate Nursing Cap
St. Mary's Hospital School of Nursing, Milwaukee, WI (1944)
Graduate Pin from Hotel Dieu Hospital School of Nursing, New Orleans, LA, 1942
The Daughters directly served with the Alumni Associations and maintained the spirit of the school.
Student Nurses' Uniform and Cape
St. Mary's Hospital School of Nursing, Milwaukee, WI, prior to 1964