Browse Items (117 total)

Basket of Flowers.jpg
This piece is an impressionist still-life of lilacs and tulips on the Albany, NY campus of the Daughters of Charity.

Mountain and birds.jpg
Sister Anna Mae Schaben taught art for 45 years in the schools of the Daughters of Charity. In 1988, Villa St. Michael held a 50-year retrospective of her work. Her thoughts on art at the time were explained as “I believe that art is man’s response…

Untitled (Racko).jpg
The Emmitsburg Stone House appears in the background of this tree scene on the grounds of the St. Joseph’s Provincial house as it appeared in the mid-1980s.

Tree Branch Motif.jpg
Sister Joan Ann’s sketches and line drawings repeatedly show tree motifs. This piece is one she created in her spare time during her mission at Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Nursing Home in Tainan, Taiwan.

On the Rocks.jpg
This piece came about from the artist’s interest and fascination in smashing waves.

Faces 1.jpg
This is part of a two-part series of faces. Sister Loretta was an art teacher from 1973-1997 before becoming coordinator of the art program at Roarke Center in Troy, NY. Her preferred medium for the last 30 years has been bronze sculpture.

Nuestra Senora Delvalle.jpg
The Virgin del Valle is widely venerated in Venezuela and Argentina. She appeared in the Province of Catamarca in Argentina between the years 1618 and 1620. Sister Maria created this work during a period of her art ministry in Arkansas.

Untitled (Warner).jpg
This piece begins with closed line drawings covered with hot beeswax. After the wax dries, burnt sienna watercolor is used to create the different shades and colors. Each layer of sienna adds more color as it settles on a space. After it cools,…

Prayer Card for the 10th Anniversary of the Province of St. Louise

Directional statement 2021.pdf
Province of St. Louise Directional Statement, approved by Provincial Assembly, 2021
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