"Instruction pour les Gilles de la Charite, et les autres Religieuses Hospitalieres en 1796" ed. 1846, pocket-sized and hand copied
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"Instruction pour les Gilles de la Charite, et les autres Religieuses Hospitalieres en 1796" ed. 1846, pocket-sized and hand copied
Daughters of Charity and Mother Mary Xavier Clark
1796, 1846
Mother Mary Xavier Clark
All rights held by Daughters of Charity Ministries, Inc.
French, English
RB 3-2-1 INS
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France could not exercise their functions; consignment by much of their duty devolved on the Sisters of Charity, such as instructing the poor sick &c. &c.
Instruction on the care of the sick:
By M. X-
As we have for the love of God engaged ourselves in the care of the sick, we must be generous and do so with every possible care and attention.
2d. Our charity must be extended to all; all are the redeemed souls of our Savior. It is true that we cannot treat all alike, & must proportion our cares to the wants of each one as the case before God requires it; but it should never because we like this one more than that one; or because we feel more interest or compassion for this or that one; to act in such a
Instruction on the care of the sick:
By M. X-
As we have for the love of God engaged ourselves in the care of the sick, we must be generous and do so with every possible care and attention.
2d. Our charity must be extended to all; all are the redeemed souls of our Savior. It is true that we cannot treat all alike, & must proportion our cares to the wants of each one as the case before God requires it; but it should never because we like this one more than that one; or because we feel more interest or compassion for this or that one; to act in such a
Original Format
Daughters of Charity and Mother Mary Xavier Clark, “"Instruction pour les Gilles de la Charite, et les autres Religieuses Hospitalieres en 1796" ed. 1846, pocket-sized and hand copied,” Daughters of Charity, Province of St. Louise Archives, accessed February 18, 2025, https://docapsl.omeka.net/items/show/11.